Get ready to cultivate a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace.

Latinx woman standing on a stage in front of an easel with large sheet of paper that reads "policies that are working"

At the Oregon Diversity and Inclusion Statewide Conference in 2019, facilitating a workshop on responding to workplace harassment & creating policies and procedures that center safety and equity

Our mission is to partner with individuals, organizations, and leaders to cultivate fertile ground for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to take root and grow in the workplace.


Service Offerings

We support DEI projects of all sizes to create effective and sustainable change. We do this by aligning intents and impacts at the systemic, individual, and interpersonal levels through DEI assessments, talks, workshops, coaching, planning, and implementation support.

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The Founder

K.C. shares her unique lived experiences, knowledge, and skills in service of providing nuanced, unique, and wise counsel to her clients as they walk the DE&I path together.

The Founder »

How to get started

Let’s discover if we are a good fit by discussing your goals and how we could help.

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Our Approach

We meet people where they are by using a combination of methods and lenses to support the diversity of clients’ unique situtations and needs.


If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.

— Words used by Lilla Watson, Aboriginal elder, activist, and educator from Queensland, Australia.